

$5 per oz

Pea microgreens taste like fresh pea pods. They are tall and green with several leaves branching off the stem. These microgreens go great in almost everything; salads, sandwiches, smoothies, pizza, soup, etc. With seven times the vitamin C of blueberries and eight times the folic acid of bean sprouts, pea  shoot microgreens are a favorite not only for their fresh taste, but for their high nutritional content.

Nutrients include: good source of beta carotene, high in vitamin C and folate, chlorophyll, flavonoids and polyphenols, specifically lignans and coumetarols (which are being studied for their anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory activities)

All microgreens can be sold for individuals (by oz), restaurants (by lb), or animal feed (by tray). See Pricing Guide. If interested please send us an email with the type of microgreen you want and how much. If we do not currently provide a microgreen you are looking for, please let us know. We’d love to work with you and provide it if possible.

Great care is taken to ensure that all Third Day Greens products are grown and harvested with safety and quality in mind. This includes reducing risk of injury during harvesting, eliminating the potential of bacteria growth and contamination, and ensuring excellent taste and texture.